Freedom of Information (FOI)

The Freedom of Information Act 2014 allows members of the public access, on request, to information held by the Policing Authority which is not routinely available through other sources. It gives you the right to have your personal information corrected or updated, where such information is incomplete, incorrect or misleading, and to get reasons for decisions taken by the Policing Authority that affect you.

Making a FOI Request

If you wish to a make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Policing Authority you should submit a request in writing/email.  More on making a FOI Request

FOI Publication Scheme

The Policing Authority has prepared an FOI Publication Scheme which makes available a range of information about the Authority.  View FOI Publication Scheme

Published FOI Requests

The Policing Authority, publishes a list of all non-personal  (FOI) requests received by the Authority. Please see below

Policing Authority meeting with the Garda Commissioner in public

Live Broadcast from Authority Meeting
