About Us

The Policing Authority is an independent statutory body that was established on 1 January 2016. Our role is to oversee the police services performed by the Garda Síochána throughout Ireland. The organisation is a statutory body, established under the Garda Síochána (Policing Authority and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2015, which amended the Garda Siochána Act 2005. That Act provides for an extensive range of functions for our organisation, some of which were previously the responsibility of the Government of Ireland or the Minister for Justice and Equality.

In 2024 we will increase our remit by transitioning – along with the Garda Inspectorate – to a new agency called the Policing and Community Safety Authority (PCSA). The PCSA will be governed under the terms of the Policing and Community Safety Authority (PCSA) Act 2024. The new body will retain many of the functions of the Policing Authority, but will incorporate the inspectorate functions currently held by the Garda Inspectorate, the purpose of which is to ensure that the resources available to the Garda Síochána are used efficiently and effectively. We will also expand our research facilities, while creating new functions within community safety.

What We Do

Oversight of Policing

Oversight of Policing

Public Awareness and Engagement

Public Awareness and Engagement






Our vision is an ethical, effective, human rights based policing service that merits and enjoys the confidence of the increasingly diverse people it serves.

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The Authority

The Authority has 9 members – the chairperson and 8 ordinary members. Members are appointed by the Government following a selection process run by the Public Appointments Service. The Authority is supported by a team of core staff headed up by the Chief Executive Officer.

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Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance is central to how the Authority successfully delivers its statutory obligations.

Our Governance Framework describes the structures, policies and processes that are in place to deliver on these obligations. It also provides for an objective assessment of management and corporate performance.

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Freedom of Information

The Policing Authority is committed to its key value of transparency and publishes its minutes and reports on an ongoing basis. In addition, under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 information held by the Policing Authority, which is not routinely available through other sources, can be requested.

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Procurement Opportunities

The Authority procures goods and services based on competitive tendering processes.

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Career Opportunities

The Authority is a modern, progressive employer which prides itself on its professional and agile workforce and friendly and supportive culture. A civil service employer, the Authority believes in providing an excellent working environment and appropriate career development opportunities.

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The Authority is always mindful of its commitment to serving the interests of the public in its work. We welcome and, from time to time, actively seek the contributions and views of the public and stakeholders on our strategies and policies and offer an opportunity to highlight issues that you consider we should prioritise.

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Quality Customer Service

The Authority is committed to providing a high quality service to its customers. Our Customer Service Charter sets out our role and the standards of service that you can expect from us.

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An important objective of the Policing Authority is to add to the body of knowledge in respect of policing in Ireland, to identify best practice, and to contribute to national and international benchmarking. The Authority has commissioned a range of research in pursuit of this objective.

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The onset of the COVID-19 crisis resulted in additional powers being granted to the Garda Síochána, as well as greater demands being placed on the organisation. In the context of additional powers being given to the Garda Síochána, oversight of policing became even more relevant and more critical.

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Data Protection

The Authority is committed to protecting your personal data and respecting your privacy. Personal information can be requested under The Data Protection Act and GDPR.

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